Saturday, November 1, 2014


1. it's much more easier to contact me thru fb than hp... i can't seem to find my hp nowadays, it's either on the bed, in some bags, pockets or no where to be found... conclusion : if u need to contact me really urgently, DON'T sms me... i will end up not replying u n if u r in a dying state, then most probably u will die first b4 i reply u...

2. Due to the daylight saving in europe, it started to get dark really late... n i hav this habit of waiting for it to get dark to hav dinner which works really well in east malaysia, not so well in west malaysia and i might juz die of starvation in germany...

3. i decided tat i wan to be kiasu this sem!!! exams in german, bring it on!!!!!

4. Easter trip was fun, except for the driving in city-centre part... i ended up having a swelling ankle coz of too much driving...

5. i try very hard to be funny when i write this... so laugh, or else...

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