Friday, May 16, 2014


means 'mealtime' in german... i dunno y but i keep hearing ppl shouting it to each other b4 lunchbreak, funny thing is only in this semester i realise it, i wonder wat hav i been doing for the 2 years of my life in germany...

anyway, back to 'mahlzeit', i've always enjoy the time i spend eating together wif my housemate, usually it'll be basmati rice straight from the rice cooker with vegies (if i m cooking) and throat-choking spicy sauce (if she's cooking) wif chicken... n we talk a lot when we eat...

lately the topic has always been circulating around 'marriage', mainly due to many acquaintances n frens getting proposed n married around this time and she has some thoughts about it too n shared about her plans in the next 3 years before she graduate n wat is she going to do after graduation... n she asked me whether i'm ready for marriage! then it got me thinking, hold on a sec! there's still so much things i haven't accomplish as a single-n-stil-mingling person, my plans of europe trip wif parents, volunteering for london olympics (just send out my application last week), my african dream, gap years, short-term-mission-b4-i-turn-25-pledge etc etc... (sorry grace, i've been seriously thinking about the trans-asia-trip but i felt like it doesn't benefit others much so i'll giv it a skip)

so the plan is, to accomplish everything b4 i graduate, coz after tat will be a whole new world n so many things to consider - time factor, financial status, relationship n the list goes on... time oh time, plz wait!

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