Saturday, May 24, 2014

missing everyone

sitting in front of the laptop browsing at ppl's fb profile... yup, tat's wat i've been doing for the past hour in another city in my fren's room and realising that so many things happen when i'm not really around and busy travelling around east europe...

gosh i miss those ppl! esp those from CA last time... we'd gone thru so much together, so much fun, laughter, tears... and slowly i m beginning to lose contact wif them, one by one... sooner or later, we will turn out to be complete strangers to each other and i don wan tat to happen...

it is so hard to keep in touch wif ppl if u don take the extra effort and time to do it... and esp in a new environment where ur life seems to be always occupied by sth, then the priority of 'frens' u r willing to invest ur time on tends to be neglected...

to let go or not to let go... sigh

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