Friday, July 4, 2014

No, we do not live on trees.

The title says it all. Like i said, we do not live on trees, but we do use helicopters instead of sampan.

And i do not blame the national newspaper for this misconception coz they did their job well by reporting this.  However i wud like to take this chance to express my condolences to the pilot's family, n here's sth they didn't report on. 

The sampan is only used during the flood in sibu which occurs at least once or twice per year.

And another thing they forgot to report on is tat animals in Sarawak are treated better than the S'wakians.

I got inspired by a lot of small stories during this coming Sarawak election, hope u enjoy them as well.

p/s :  the words in red are not purposely coloured, they are links which u can click on.  I might add more links to it later so do come back for more inspiring stories.

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