Monday, July 28, 2014

Tips on how to pack for Germany...

since i m super-duper lazy to post sth significant bout myself, might as well i post sth useful for others...

it happens like this - i was soooooo bored in class today because i can't understand a thing... *will tel u bout tat in my other posts, if there's any... therefore, together wif my housemate aka classmate, Miss L, we decided to list down a few things which we, personally found it important and decided to share wif ppl out there who somehow read this accidentally or purposefully...

1. More food stuff than clothes... trust me, ur fashion sense will change during the first few months in Germany and soon enough, u will be asking urself, y do u brought them here in the first place - in other words, more reason to SHOP!!!)

2. Stationeries (in other words, everything u needed for studies, juz to name a few, eg calculator, pens, the 3 diff size of mechanical pencils from GMI etc etc...)

3. Rice cooker - this thing works magic...

4. Medicine for flu and sorethroat - needless to say, the first winter experience for most of us is not exactly the best one...

5. For the religious ppl (like me and miss L) do bring your holy book along because it is not easy to find one in the language u REALLY understand... for muslims, it is also advisable to bring along ur sejadah... n those who manage to settle in Offenburg will of course be provided wif one because i do happen to hav one by accident... haha

6. Accesories - if you do wear them... miss L mentioned tat it is damn expensive here (obviously i don really wear them)

7. I personally don recommend bringing any books because you only hav 25 kg to spare for food and clothes only...

8. If i could turn back the time now, all i will put in my luggage is local spices n seasonings, all sorts of maggi perencah i can find in Giant, bak kut teh, laksa sauce, kompia, kampua, ikan bilis, dried scallops, dried prawns... *my mouth juz watered thinking bout them...

Achtung! edited : (new things added)
9. Bring a LAN cable... ur first 3 weeks of internet connection lies in this thing...

10. Bring extra biometric photos... u might juz need it for emergency purposes...

anyone has anything to add? u r most welcome to!

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